5156share 发表于 2022-1-30 21:17:02


       由于网站现在没有使用https会导致最新版的浏览器会提示不安全,导致不能登录账号,如果遇到登录问题,请使用 www.5156share.com或 http://5156share.com登录即可,再不行就不要用Chrome,用其他浏览器登录(用Firefox最好)

小倩姑娘 发表于 2022-1-30 22:21:06

谢谢提醒 :D

大王 发表于 2022-1-31 11:15:33

Thank you:D

wilson_yung1368 发表于 2022-4-6 09:05:07


5156k00k00 发表于 2022-4-16 20:17:25


jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-7-14 10:51:30

I try to donate for VIP stats. my card is not cardnotenrolled. i need help!!!!!

jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-7-16 09:55:37

i try login http::\\5156share.com. not working. how to donate VIPstatus. please help!!!!!!!!!!

jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-7-17 08:46:19

i was abkne login tbvbox . but not http\\5156share. please help

jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-7-17 10:35:45

how to down movie. buy virus prog.I
need suggestions for virus clean.

jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-8-14 10:36:17

thaank you.

jjwilder2015 发表于 2022-8-21 18:36:21

I g living woodrige woodrige,illois got approve tvbboxopen, but why take so long from5156shareed webs down. erevy time it alway too slow.   alway goeshosting company.   Thank you Jack Moy

opjullee 发表于 2022-10-14 03:20:56


banisher100 发表于 2022-10-14 04:16:39

what happened for the past four days?

hongkong8899 发表于 2022-10-14 07:44:38

修復伺服器實在勞心勞力, 謝謝版主!!

lechan88 发表于 2022-12-24 14:14:48

thank you so much :):)for sharing

adhk 发表于 2023-3-22 09:59:08

收到, 謝謝
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