
楼主 |
发表于 2024-5-31 00:58:21
you are the one who do not know what you talking about, I jsut asking some drama, but you act like you know everything,
on the pass I got a massage from you asking for some old TVB drama, in exhange you will give me the new TVB drama so no need for me to download it, I should keep the massage and forward to 5156, but I delete it....
I alread post it few time in the pass in " 投訴建議區 ", I can't afford the VIP membership, but you act like you know every thing....
on another web site some one send me a massage about you asking for some files you can not download from VIP area, if you ask ask few more user you should has the full series.....
you ready make 5156share user look very bad |